Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The stupidest things ever created? Maybe....

I recently read an article on the Australian News website, my favorite place to do so as they are just so eloquent with stuff and their news is just awesome.  Well this article was hilarious, as it had many things I've seen but not often stopped to think about, which they called the stupidest things ever created.

Here is a link to the original story.

Of course the selfie stick was in the list, I mean what list of stupid things is complete without this wonder.  The thing is, people actually buy this.  All so they can strap their phone to it and get a distance shot.  Some people just never give up taking photos of themselves (I have never taken a selfie, just for the record here).

Lawn Darts was in the list and I consider this not stupid, but rather valuable, valuable in that it was used as a means to weed out the dumb ones.  If you were stupid enough to get hit by one of these heavy, huge, pointed darts you threw up into the air, then my case is made.

The diet water is a typical Japanese thing/fad, but it made me chuckle.  Reminds me of when we used to joke around about drinking a can of Tab and that we never drank the single calorie in the can cause we left a bit behind at the end (now Tab was more toxic than putrid).

Now the Uroclub is somewhat genius, but is only useful for half the population of the planet. Basically it is a tube you stick your dick into and pee, while being quite covered up.  It could be handy if you would rather take a piss on the green than go into the woods.  Now I have to wonder why some greens are greener than others.  But can you imagine the smell in your golf bag after a while?

Kids stripper pole is just too easy, and the anti masturbation gum, apparently lasts up to 6 hours.  Yeah, we know what circle that would work in, don't we boys and girls.  And back to golf, the potty putter is just what you need while taking a shit. Sink two holes in one at once!!

Of course I am sure that many of these items are just straight out gags, but either way, I am going to have to start collecting some of them, for I am sure my gold fish would love a walk outside, where any passing heron can stop by and have them for a snack.

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