Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The stupidest things ever created? Maybe....

I recently read an article on the Australian News website, my favorite place to do so as they are just so eloquent with stuff and their news is just awesome.  Well this article was hilarious, as it had many things I've seen but not often stopped to think about, which they called the stupidest things ever created.

Here is a link to the original story.

Of course the selfie stick was in the list, I mean what list of stupid things is complete without this wonder.  The thing is, people actually buy this.  All so they can strap their phone to it and get a distance shot.  Some people just never give up taking photos of themselves (I have never taken a selfie, just for the record here).

Lawn Darts was in the list and I consider this not stupid, but rather valuable, valuable in that it was used as a means to weed out the dumb ones.  If you were stupid enough to get hit by one of these heavy, huge, pointed darts you threw up into the air, then my case is made.

The diet water is a typical Japanese thing/fad, but it made me chuckle.  Reminds me of when we used to joke around about drinking a can of Tab and that we never drank the single calorie in the can cause we left a bit behind at the end (now Tab was more toxic than putrid).

Now the Uroclub is somewhat genius, but is only useful for half the population of the planet. Basically it is a tube you stick your dick into and pee, while being quite covered up.  It could be handy if you would rather take a piss on the green than go into the woods.  Now I have to wonder why some greens are greener than others.  But can you imagine the smell in your golf bag after a while?

Kids stripper pole is just too easy, and the anti masturbation gum, apparently lasts up to 6 hours.  Yeah, we know what circle that would work in, don't we boys and girls.  And back to golf, the potty putter is just what you need while taking a shit. Sink two holes in one at once!!

Of course I am sure that many of these items are just straight out gags, but either way, I am going to have to start collecting some of them, for I am sure my gold fish would love a walk outside, where any passing heron can stop by and have them for a snack.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Remembering the Dragon Lady

It is not often that I sit down to write something about a dear friend of mine, who I've known for years, but last week a fellow Canadian Author, Sandie Bergen passed away unexpectedly.  I first met Sandie back around oh 1998 to 1999 when I started writing.  She was part of a group of people I met through something called the Online Writing Workshop.  Sandie was heavily into fantasy, a genre that I myself have been treading into recently.  In fact it was this group that called me the mafia uncle, and as I was doing zeolite chemistry at the time, Uncle Zeo was born.

I remember it all too well because I believe it was Sandie who commented about a certain author (who has since then won a Nebula and Hugo (I am still unsure how they even did this) who went around trashing the work of freshies (yeah yeah, new lingo for me here).  I took it upon myself to strike back, and man did I ever.  It was epic as it is not often I get accused of using foul language (I used the word damn) and was able to use the Sopranos defense (I said I was discriminated against for being Canadian and the fact that the Sopranos was shown in prime time up here with no censoring, and its not like I used Lord Fuckpants (one of my favorite monikers of all time)).  Anyway, it was from that event I was called the mafia uncle, with my brother, Uncle Jay.

As often happens, we lose contact with many people, but I have stayed in relative good contact with the bulk of this group, and that included Sandie.  She was always ready to give me her opinion on stuff and just sit back and have a good old chat.  I had the opportunity to meet Sandie in real life twice, with her husband, and her children. Those are two meals I remember very well, for it was a good time.  It is one of the few times when you meet someone online and find out they are even nicer in real life.

In one of the last conversations I had with Sandie, she related a story to me that put a lot in perspective for me in life, and it is something I will cherish.  Not only have I lost a good friend who took joy in writing, but we have lost a good author too.  And I will remember her as I carry on with my publications.

I currently have 2 reviews up for Sandie's works at and will be adding a third very soon.   I would encourage all of you to go out and buy at least one of her books.

Sandie, you touched a lot of people not only with your stories, but with your kindness in life. You always put others ahead of you, and were fair and constructive in your reviews of others.  I am sad that your time in this life was cut so short.  I do feel that you will be watching the old group, and in someways, influencing us.  I will miss you.

Friday, January 30, 2015

KFC did it again....Just waiting for the lawsuit cause you know its coming...

So just what the hell is it with KFC (yeah they never call it Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore, and shit when I was a kid, it was good and considered a treat).  First they have the double down, which was fat, more fat and even more fat with that deep fried greasy goodness that only comes from bullshit phony southern cooking.  You know there is nothing else that says welcome to your heart attack like have lots of bacon between two deep fried pieces of chicken slathered with some flavored mayo, and one piece of lettuce even a homicidal rabbit wouldn't touch.

So what has KFC done?  Well in the land of the balut (go look it up, I dare you..ahh hell look at the end of this), which is the Philippines, they have now introduced the Double Down Hot Dog, and have replaced the bun with, you guessed it, a piece of greasy, deep fried chunk of chicken, and it is slathered in cheese sauce.  My left arm is getting a pain just thinking about it.  And one has to wonder why each KFC store is limited to only selling 50 a day.  Is it cause they run out of the cheese sauce?  Grease for the chicken?  Or are they trying to limit the heart attacks?

I have often wondered who is working at KFC that dreams up this stuff.  In almost every newspaper we see that North Americans are quite obese and need to start losing this weight.  In one Toronto paper, it was stated Coke was making itself less sweet in this country finally.  Only took 110 years.
So people are rushing for this new gut killer by the dozens, afraid of missing out on the fact that only 50 of these killer hotdogs are actually available per store per day.  One reporter went so far as to suggest you be sitting on the shitter while eating one of these, as it will probably rip right through your asshole at warp speed.

Choose your Poison!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2015


Alright, we know the propensity for people in the US to sue over dumb things (yes we  all remember the hot coffee incident with McDonald's coffee in the woman's lap, a law suit that should've never reached the courts).  Now we see even more the whole attitude of entitlement and how far people really are willing to not take responsibility for themselves. 

Here is a link to the story: Source CNN

It is my understanding that universities are supposed to be for education, but here we have former students who claim they got no education because they were athletes and basically they claim they were misled.  Well, it seems some lawyer has decided to represent two students who say that they were promised an education and didn't get one.  Hmmm, didn't get one in good part because of these so-called paper classes that have been shown to be fronts for cheating to ensure that athletes can maintain grades in their courses and be eligible to play their sport. 

I think this is a very multi-sided issue, with of course, the first question being, why are you now bringing a lawsuit forward after you gradate?  How in the hell is it you took classes without realizing that you weren't learning in the first place?  That in of itself sits solely on the shoulders of these two athletes and others. 

That is where I would start, but also I will point out the university is to blame as well.  I see it with programs designed to get into med school, where the students that don't make it into med school, and simply have a useless degree when they graduate.  Some colleges do have a disclaimer that says quite boldly: have other plans, you are likely not getting in.  But many will not give a shit about any athlete that doesn't end up in the professional level of sports, and well that is unfortunate.  They are essentially swept away and forgotten quite readily (kind of reminds me of Al Bundy). 

Where also are the parents who are supposed to parent their kids, guiding them through life with both their successes and failures (oh wait, we're not allowed to fail children anymore, apparently it harms them too much....grrrrr).  Why are the parents not stressing that education is more important than chasing some under inflated ball across 300 feet of perfectly good lawn that could be used for something more useful, like growing food.  But honestly, why are the parents not being sued for lacking to ensure that their children are getting a good education?  Hmmm, guess it is more important for your kids to concentrate on sports than an actual education, and why not, you can sue after if you don't make into the majors.

But at the end of the day, I hate to say it, these athletes were scammed, not only by the university and the NCAA, but by their parents, who lied to them and told them they were good enough to make it to the professional leagues.  So why aren't the kids suing their parents too?  Let's not forget that the university should counter sue the athletes for misrepresenting themselves in their talent.  They said they were good enough, or somehow managed to make it through the tryouts, only to fail at gaining a place in the professional leagues.  And let's also not forget that ever loving lawyer who managed to win a lawsuit for athletes, deciding for the most part to push even further because they managed to get students paid some money for their images being used (this lawsuit had a bit more merit, I will admit), but I think they need to be reprimanded for essentially wasting the courts' time.  If you are unsure you are getting a good education while doing your studies, perhaps you don't belong there.  It is time for people to take responsibility for their own actions and stop this useless circle of suing other people for what in the end is your own making. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The trouble with scientists

As a scientist, I find that many of the world's so-called experts are nothing more than arrogant assholes, some of whom are down right phonies.  I was reminded of this when reading a quick archaeological update and I want to draw attention to the fact that even though many of us do research, so many are simply close-minded to the point that they don't want to hear anything whatsoever that goes against what they have researched.  I often feel that many of them would rather brush something under the carpet, or as one of those maverick archaeologists once said, he could imagine people from the Smithsonian Institute out in the middle of the ocean dumping artifacts that in fact went against modern belief at the time.  Hell we know they dumped the first coffin JFK was in at sea, but because it wasn't widely reported, it became part of the myth surrounding the conspiracy theory.

For a lot of my life, I have often read what can be called alternate history books, which of course falls into the realm of proof for Atlantis, alien visitation to Earth, hell even people living in middle Earth.  I can remember reading the Lost Cities series by David Hatcher CHildress (I recommend it as if anything they are good travel books) and being amazed by his travels around the world, and even more amazed by the observations that he noted at many archaeological sites.  One that still stands tall in my mind is are the ruins found both in Africa and South America that have the exact same writing on them, but just an ocean away.  Then there is the language issue where many words on both sides of the Atlantic have similar structures, like they came down from the same source (if you want to see this, look at the Romance Languages, all of which came down from Latin).

But what gets me overall is the arrogance of humans towards human archaeology and evolution.  Not all that long ago when I was going through school, the human tree was such that it went directly from one species of man to another, with a big question mark for Neanderthal, because God forbid that we didn't have a branched tree.  It was only during a class where one of my high school teachers, who had to skirt around the issue of evolution, brought up that we are unique in having a linear tree.  It was within ten years of class that it was revealed humans have a branched tree, like everything else in nature.  It was a big revelation let me tell you and somewhat shocked the world that man was just another animal and wasn't special (at one point in the tree there were at least 3 different species of man living on this planet at the same time).  Of course this did nothing to even get the Creationists to shut the hell up.

But even when you look at civilization, for a long time, it was 5000 BC was when civilization started.  It can't be earlier because man was too primitive.  More egg on their faces for sure as there has been a temple discovered that is at least 10 000 years old.  Let's not forget to mention that without the aid of modern technology and a crane, the Great Pyramids were built, Stonehenge assembled, and the ever famous walls of the Inca with the huge cut rocks that to this day you cannot even get a piece of paper between them.

But the article that got my attention and led to this blog was this:  Neanderthals had tools.  Yup, not sure why this is a surprise, for Neanderthals are perhaps the most misunderstood species of man that we've found to date.  When one is called on, it denotes a dumb person.  Well how many of you know that Neanderthals buried their dead, with flowers, and covered them in red ochre?  That doesn't sound like a dumb-ass to me.   Then there is the fact they did well with living in the cooler regions and most undoubtedly bred with modern man.  The fact that archaeologists are surprised that these brothers of man had stone tools and used them well, just shows the arrogance that smacks around in the science world.

What it all comes down to is this:  we need to keep an open mind and not be so quick to dismiss things that at first appear to be just bullshit. However on the other hand, just because some moron with a Ph.D. says something is so, it doesn't mean it is true.  There has been a lot of abuse of science over the last 20 years, and David Suzuki is one of them.  The moral of this story, don't always trust what you see, and don't assume that everything science has done, or historians have studied, is correct.   You weren't there, neither was I, so take it with a big grain of salt.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Entitlement in Society...WTF People?

The past few days have done nothing for me but to get really angry with something that I have been seeing getting worse and worse all the time:  the attitude of self entitlement that is rampant in society.

In Toronto, they have started the no tolerance blitz with respect to any vehicle blocking traffic during rush hour, something that John Tory brought in.  Bravo John, I applaud you for this, you are the first person to even try and solve the issue with some common sense.  What do I see this morning, but an article about how a small business that cleans grease traps is going to go out of business because they cannot park where they wanted to to go do their job.  John Tory gave people 1 month's notice to figure out what to do, and has discussed giving them areas.  So rather than actually become proactive and part of the solution, this owner decides to change nothing and fumes about getting tickets and getting towed because he is breaking the law.  Wake up moron, you had 1 month to figure this out, instead you have decided it is more important for you to have your own selfish way and decide to block traffic, holding up commuters and such trying to get to work.  Where do you get off that your time is more valuable than theirs?  Quite clearly this is what you are saying.  How about you try adjusting your work schedule so that you are not doing your work during rush hour?  Hmmm there is a thought you selfish prick.  The only reason this guy is going to go out of business if he does, is because of his entitlement.

In yet another article I saw recently, family is outraged city is removing the boards of their ice rink on their front lawn.  Why you ask?  Cause it's against the law.  They feel because it is for the children that it is OK.  Well is it OK if you cut your neighbors cable off because you put a spike through the wire?  Or damage something else?  Did you call before you spiked?  Did you perhaps check the bylaws?  Probably a big resounding no on all of that.  I mean why bother, you are clearly entitled to do whatever you want, despite laws in place to protect you from your stupidity.

So where is this sense of entitlement coming from?  Well it stems from the fact that we are now seeing children from the generation that had everything.  In schools alone, even now at university level, there are no consequences whatsoever for actions that are wrong.  We are not allowed to fail our children in school, because god forbid they actually have to experience failure.  Failure, is never failure if you learn from it.  But even with late assignments, children are no longer penalized, rather they can hand them in late, create a back log in marking for their teachers, who often do this on their own time.  So your kids time is more valuable than the teachers?  Give  me a break, it is bad enough that the teachers have to parent your kids for you because you are either too damned lazy or too interested in being your kid's best friend.  Parenting for most people clearly has gone south (I will state for the record though, I breath a sigh of relief that I do know parents who parent their children properly and don't allow this sense of entitlement).

But it goes even farther.  Sports is full of it, people telling their children its OK to go to weekend tournaments and miss family outings, or let their grades suffer.  We all know that a kid can be dumb as a stump and still be allowed to play sports in school, cause the school will dump however much money they can to make sure that kid earns that petty little grade they need so they can go chase a ball.  One of the things I applauded at my school was when they had the academic banquet, to celebrate those of us with an A minus average or higher.  The last year I was in high school, I was furious because it was the 25th anniversary of the school, and they had to dump the honor banquet to do it and keep up the sports achievement banquet.  How fucking backwards; we are in school for an education, not to play sports.  It doesn't matter what you tell you kid, chances are they won't make the big time for sports and will have to go get a job.

At the end of the day society is doomed as long as this attitude of entitlement continues.  For everyone that gets away with entitlement, at least one person gets shit on.  The best thing for everyone, is grow up, accept responsibility and the consequences, and stop thinking your number 1, cause when you think you're number one, you're really being a piece of number 2.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Predictions for the New Year

Well here we are, 2015, some of us are quite functional, others are well hungover or in fact still drinking.  Whichever it is, Happy New Year.  I never make resolutions, cause they are fucking bullshit anyway.  I thought I would do some predictions here, some in jest, some a bit more serious.

First off, I think you will see one hell of a year for celebrities.  Last year celebrities kept stepping in the shit on social media, stirring up the pot, to the point even a few of them got in fights over not responding to things or pointing things out about incidents.  I am hoping this is the year people will stand up and tell these fucktards to just shut the fuck up.  The message from the common man is often lost because of a few celebrity fucktards.  I grow weary of the media just putting out celebrity input and ignoring what the regular man has to say.  I highly doubt this is going to change, but we can only hope, but in the least, perhaps it will give me some really good fodder to have fun with.

Led Zeppelin - will there ever be another tour?  I doubt it, the inertia for that died not long after the O2 arena concert in 2007 I guess it was.  So people, just move on and find all the bootlegs you can and enjoy them in their heyday.

Pink Floyd - another group with rumours floating around that they will tour again.  Not likely, even Nick Mason has given up on trying to get Grandpa Gilmour out on tour now doing Floyd.  My guess is that last album, more a tribute to Rick Wright, is indeed it.  It is a good way to go out though.

The Who - well is it really their last farewell tour?  I mean this is the group that has made a business with farewell tours.  Yeah they're getting up there, but more and more rock stars are going to the day they die.

Keith Richards - well as someone said about the famous man, he's already dead, his body just doesn't know it yet, enough said.

Politically speaking, I this could be the year Canadians rise up and get rid of one of the most corrupt governments we have ever seen:  The Wynnie the shithead government.  This government has been caught in so many lies and has been investigated so much by the OPP that there is no way they should be able to continue.  Hell they called an election to shut down an investigation and a certain section of Ontario still elected these crooked assholes.

Social media seems to be always at the forefront of things, and even at the end of 2014, there almost seems to be a bit of a hit back against social media because of what is going on:  the quick scandals, people finding stuff out about others they didn't know.  I think, or rather hope that social media will become less important, but I doubt it.  I can certainly say growing up in an age where social media was non-existent,  we would be much better off without it.  It is bad enough when most news sites just act as an extension of social media that I swear people are making shit up just to create a way (Sarah Palin in particular right now).  Now if it could only be effective in making book sales. 

The world in general will no doubt remain at the same level, or escalate to higher levels, the amount of war that is going on.  As long as man is on this planet, there will be war.  People who go out and  have protests will increase no doubt, but they won't do any good.  No one is listening to you much like in the wars of the past.  You are the little man/woman and until you go to war against those going to war, you aren't going to get anywhere and it kind of defeats the purpose doesn't.  Only those with big sticks really get heard these days.

At the end of the day, I think 2015 will simply be 2015.  Why expect anything else?